
Cine Review and Saving Images learning notes

Ultrasound Cine Review and Saving Images NOVEMBER 11, 2013 BY BRIAN GILL

Here is what you’ll learn: 

Cine Clip Review

Saving single images

Saving clips


Transcript to Cine Review & Saving 

The Cine Review function allows us to go back through images. When I hit the Freeze key, I can use the trackball to scroll back through an image.

I can also use this to save the image, which we’ll get into later. When we pick an image that we like, we can always go back, scroll back and save it. If I scroll quickly, it will automatically play that.

When saving a Cine clip, you may only want to store a certain portion of it instead of a large file. To do so, you’ll hit the Freeze key.

If you have the clipboard to automatically show up when you hit the Freeze key, hit the space bar to make it disappear. Then you will use the trackball and use the Set key to select a certain portion of that image to save.

When I’ve got in that area, I can hit the Save button, hold it down, and it’s only going to save that portion of the Cine loop. So if you want to select a certain range of heartbeats, that’s what you would do.

When you want to review the clips down along the bottom, use the Angle button to select a clip. You’ll twist it and it will highlight the different areas.

If I want to review that clip, I’ll hit the Set button twice and it will pull it up, and that is that clip. Choose this one.

See, I have this whole Cine Review here, and I can use the scroll to go through that image. Unfreeze again, and I’m back to my live image.


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