
渣馬10公里跑手三成無訓練 - 明報

渣馬10公里跑手三成無訓練 去年調查:部分人賽後狂飲水 專家指可中毒 - 明報 2014年2月6日







一成賽前飲咖啡 增虛脫風險





練跑不足 「撞牆」高危 - 蘋果日報 2014年02月06日















浸大調查指渣馬10K跑手多數訓練不足 - 蘋果日報

浸大調查指渣馬10K跑手多數訓練不足 - 蘋果日報 2014年02月05日
















Shamshuipo Sportsground 2014 February Jogging Timetable

Shamshuipo Sportsground 2014 February Jogging Timetable

2014feb03 5pm 22C 57% 5km = 37 min

10lap x 400m/lap = 29min => 400m/2.9min

BMI before/after running = 23.7/24.0



服務基層36年 仁醫診所猝死 診金最平35元 病人痛心願一路走好 蘋果日報

服務基層36年 仁醫診所猝死 診金最平35元 病人痛心願一路走好 蘋果日報 2014年01月26日 






記者:劉永明 文兆麟


與他相熟的同學形容,George 為人低調,畢業後鮮有出席舊生聚會,亦未曾在醫生工會組織中出任任何公職,反而專注在新界北開設私人診所,以較便宜的診金為當地居民診症,約10多年前則轉至位於旺角上海街鎮海商業大廈三樓的九龍樂善堂陳祖澤旺角分科醫療所擔任普通科醫生,診金約35至70元,專為平民大眾服務。









運動健將 港大同學惋惜















44歲名醫 潘醒華猝死 - 蘋果日報

44歲名醫 潘醒華猝死 - 蘋果日報 2014年01月12日



曾駐東區醫院內科部,現私人執業的胸肺及呼吸系統科名醫潘醒華,前日凌晨在家中心絞痛,前往浸會醫院求診,被發現患急性心肌梗塞,院方緊急安排「通波仔」手術,但潘突然情況惡化,猝然離世,終年44歲。他上月趁聖誕節假期與家人往韓國度假時,已感胸口鬱悶不適,當時未有太在意,怎料突病發身亡,家人、好友傷心不已。記者:莫家文 梁麗兒

被稱為胸肺及呼吸系統科明日之星的潘醒華,洋名 Edwin,在英國出生,1994年於英國醫科畢業,同年取得本港註冊醫生資格,01年來港,在東區醫院內科任職,並在港獲取呼吸系統科專科醫生資格,03年沙士後開始私人執業。






潘的妻子昨晚接受記者訪問時忍淚稱丈夫一直無大病痛,亦不用服藥,只是在韓國度假時出現胸口不適等症狀,想不到突然身故,現正辦理丈夫身後事。昨天,她在個人及丈夫 facebook網頁內換上全家福及丈夫展示手瓜的相片以表哀思,留言稱「He is our super hero(他是我們的超級英雄)」,潘的同事及友人亦紛紛留言稱:「永遠懷念你,我們的好朋友,一位好爸爸,好先生,好唔捨得你!RIP」以悼念摯友離世。





仁醫猝逝 - 東方日報

62歲仁醫 旺角診症室猝逝 - 東方日報 2014年01月26日



病人眼濕濕 讚醫術高明



瞓得好可防患前列腺癌 - 太陽報 2014年01月26日





快樂長者健康敏捷 - 太陽報 2014年01月26日









服務基層36年 仁醫診所猝死 診金最平35元 病人痛心願一路走好 蘋果日報

服務基層36年 仁醫診所猝死 診金最平35元 病人痛心願一路走好 蘋果日報

服務基層36年 仁醫診所猝死 診金最平35元 病人痛心願一路走好 蘋果日報 2014年01月26日 






身後的大禮 - RTHK

RTHK 黃金歲月 第九集 【身後的大禮】2013-03-03


Published on Mar 11, 2013








無言老師 - 蘋果日報

紀念牆向捐遺體者致敬 全港首設 感謝捨身供醫學界研習 - 蘋果日報 2013年05月11日






按遺願火化 撒紀念花園






Jagular vein selfie

Jagular vein selfie


有氧運動 腦力運動 有助增強中老年人記憶力 延緩大腦衰老 - 得克薩斯大學

有氧運動有助增強中老年人記憶力 延緩大腦衰老

http://www.chinareviewnews.com   2013-11-14 10:54:12







有氧运动的好处 延缓衰老的有效处方 - 2013-11-06 11:38 健康网
























渣馬跑手今起減訓練量 賽前三日多吃飯麵儲糖份 - 蘋果日報 2013

渣馬跑手今起減訓練量 賽前三日多吃飯麵儲糖份 - 蘋果日報 2013年02月17日

■ 高威林(中)表示,今年賽事沿途會設35個支援站,為跑手提供飲用水。黃偉傑攝






















Silent Teacher Body Donation Programme - CUHK

CUHK Faculty of Medicine Held its First ‘Silent Teachers’ Ash Scattering Ceremony to Pay Homage to Selfless Body Donors - 30 November 2013


With the generous support of The Board of Management of The Chinese Permanent Cemeteries (BMCPC), The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) established a memorial wall dedicated to ‘Silent Teachers’ at the Garden of Remembrance in Junk Bay Chinese Permanent Cemetery in May 2013.  The first ash scattering ceremony was held today (30 November) to pay homage to three selfless donors who have accomplished their missions of educating medical students.  Prof. CHAN Sun-On, Assistant Dean, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK, and Ms Brenda Lo, Executive Director of BMCPC, officiated at the ceremony. The family members of the three donors were accompanied by CUHK medical students to scatter the ashes as a final farewell.  

CUHK launched the ‘Silent Teachers’ body donation programme in 2011 to encourage the public to donate their remains after death for medical education and training. 

In addition to giving students precious medical training opportunities, the body donors also help them understand the importance of morals in medical practice.  CUHK hopes to instill the concepts of ‘respect’, ‘human value’ and ‘social responsibility’ among students when they interact with patients and patients’ families.  Through sharing before lesson, silent remembrance, presenting thank you cards and the like, the medical students will learn to appreciate the selflessness of the silent teachers.

The body donation program has received vigorous supports from the public since its launch.  The number of bodies received increased from two to three per year to more than 50 in the first ten months of 2013; whereas the registration of body donors also grew exponentially from about ten per year to some 2,800 in the first ten months of 2013.  The Faculty of Medicine of CUHK was deeply grateful to all the donors.

Ms Brenda LO said, ‘BMCPC has been actively supporting various charitable affairs, realizing the spirit of "to take from the society, and so to give back to the society". We appreciate the objectives of the "Silent Teacher" body donation programme and are glad to support them in midst of our centennial anniversary. We wish to provide the body donors with a beautiful environment to rest and to show our respect and thankfulness to them.’

Professor CHAN Sun-On expressed his sincere thanks to the generous support of BMCPC and quoted the remark of a body donor ‘You can make dozens of wrong cuts on my body, but not one on your patients’, which points out the profound contributions of body donors in medical education.  He continued, ‘We are pleased to see the rising number of enrollment in the programme which reflects the increasing public acceptance of body donation.  The success of this programme relies on the support from many organizations in society.  We would like to take this opportunity to express our whole-hearted gratitude to them.’

In view of the enthusiastic response and the trend of increasing registrants at younger ages, the Faculty of Medicine of CUHK launched an online registration service on the Thanksgiving Day (28 November). CUHK encourages the elders to communicate with the younger generation about donating bodies.  For more information about the ‘Silent Teacher’ body donation programme, please visit the website: www.sbs.cuhk.edu.hk/bd/


Thyroid selfie - Transverse, segittal up, mid, low, PS smart fix 60%

Thyroid selfie - Transverse up, mid, low; Segittal up, mid, low.

Photoshop manual smart fix 60%.


備戰馬拉松 賽前4天 狂食補肌醣 - 蘋果日報

備戰馬拉松 賽前4天 狂食補肌醣 - 蘋果日報 2014年01月16日 星期四











訓練量減五成 多鍛煉肌肉 ■註冊物理治療師黃瑞奇

















Thyroid cartilage learning notes

Thyroid cartlage learning notes


Hongkong policy address 2014

Hongkong policy address 2014


Thyroid ultrasound learning notes

Use of sonography for airway assessment: an observational study- Singh M, Chin KJ, Chan VW, Wong DT, Prasad GA, Yu E.


J Ultrasound Med. 2010 Jan;29(1):79-85. US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

PMID: 20040778 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Free full text



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of sonography in identifying the anatomic structures of the upper airway and to describe their appearance on sonography.


We enrolled 24 healthy volunteers, placed them supine with their head extended and neck flexed (the "sniffing" position), and performed a systematic sonographic examination of their upper airway from the floor of the mouth to the suprasternal notch.


We were able to visualize all relevant anatomic structures in all of the participants using either a linear or curved transducer oriented in 1 of 3 planes: sagittal, parasagittal, and transverse.

Bony structures (eg, the mandible and hyoid) were brightly hyperechoic with an underlying hypoechoic acoustic shadow. Cartilaginous structures (eg, the epiglottis, thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, and tracheal rings) were hypoechoic, and their intraluminal surface was outlined by a bright air-mucosa interface. The vocal cords were readily visualized through the thyroid cartilage.

However, the posterior pharynx, posterior commissure, and posterior wall of the trachea could not be visualized because of artifacts created by an intraluminal air column.


Sonography of the upper airway is capable of providing detailed anatomic information and has numerous potential clinical applications.


腳掌落地 快跑慳力 - 楊世模

腳掌落地 快跑慳力 - 蘋果日報 2014年01月15日






記者:嚴敏慧 鍾麗霞



手臂應呈90度 忌擺幅大










Ri Pi Robot

Rex: The Brain For Robots by Alphalem


2013: A year when technology came out on top





startupbeat - hkejm






備戰馬拉松 過度操練 周身傷 - 蘋果日報

備戰馬拉松 過度操練 周身傷 - 蘋果日報 2014年01月14日




記者:梁麗兒 鍾麗霞















Thyroid isthmus selfie

Thyroid isthmus selfie

Thyroid isthmus images all in one

Thyroid isthmus images all in one


Thyroid isthmus selfie raw

Thyroid isthmus selfie raw


Thyroid isthmus selfie notes

Thyroid isthmus notes



Thyroid ultrasound orientation cheat sheet

Thyroid scan orientation cheat sheet.


Android vs Windows - By Steve Ranger

Android vs Windows: Now the battle for the desktop really begins - 
By Steve Ranger January 12, 2014


Summary: ZDNet's Monday Morning Opener: Android is really beginning to challenge Windows on the desktop - but this war will be long and drawn out and the conclusion far from certain.

In an alternate universe, last week's CES was overflowing with Windows RT devices (and probably featured a keynote by a new Microsoft chief executive).

Alas, for Microsoft at least, in this universe, at CES it was the year Android desktops began to gain momentum — shaping up to be the first genuine threat to Windows' dominance of the desktop.

PC sales have been in decline for a number of years thanks to the rise of tablets and smartphones, most of which run Android.

How tech's giants lost the tablet and smartphone war, even if they don't know it yet

Next year (maybe even this year) more tablets will ship than PCs (325 million versus 268 million, according to Gartner) and smartphones will continue to dwarf both  — nearly two billion during 2014. And some 1.1 billion of those devices will be running Android, compared to 360 million Windows devices.

So it's no surprise that PC makers, desperately searching for new ways to generate sales (Charles Arthur at The Guardian has done some nice work on the current pressure on PC vendor revenues) are  experimenting with Android.

Microsoft, thanks to Windows Phone, Surface and the soon-to-be-completed acquisition of Nokia's hardware arm, is now a rival as much as an ally to the PC makers, a fact which has no doubt made them more willing to experiment with new operating systems than previously.

As ZDNet's Larry Dignan points out, Android could break through on the desktop as it has on mobile if the cost is right and security improves. There are plenty of hurdles in the way of Android becoming a real threat to Windows on the desktop, but it's still a headache for Microsoft. If people don't buy Windows, they probably won't buy Office either, and they're less likely to buy into the whole ecosystem from Windows Phone to Azure.

And the desktop is Windows' redoubt: that Android dares to advance upon it is reflection of how the battle of the tech ecosystems has gone so far.

Right now you might argue there is not a huge demand for Android on the desktop — but how deep is consumer loyalty to Windows anymore?

Consumers don't buy a PC because of Windows — they buy a device that can help them to do what they want to do. Most consumers aren't enthusiasts for particular operating systems: few seem to complain that their tablets don't run Windows, after all. They've historically bought Windows PCs because, until now, that was pretty much the only option. The positive experience they've had with Android tablets might make them more willing to try it out on the desktop.

If Android PCs become popular with consumers, they will start appearing in the office, too.

Microsoft has tried to address the Android threat with Windows RT (with little succces so far) but it still has time to do better.

Even if consumers are seduced by Androids tablets and Chromebooks, Microsoft's core business customers will likely resist for a long time: most companies are too heavily invested in Microsoft throughout their infrastructure to make significant changes any time soon.

As such, the threat to Windows is one that could take as long as a decade to have a significant impact in the enterprise at least. In that time expect Windows to evolve significantly to do battle with the Android threat to its heartland.

But in the longer term which operating system is dominant on the desktop may be something of an irrelevance.

It's hard to see how PC sales will ever bounce back again; its time as the leading computer format is over. Consumers are much more comfortable with tablet-shaped devices: you can see this in the home, where the communal PC is still there to be used when needed but day-to-day people will use their own smartphones and tablets.

Is it really a huge stretch to see the same thing happening in the office? Could the PC ever become a bit like the workstation (or less charitably the photocopier, or the fax)? That is, something you need to have around the place — but not on every desk?

ZDNet's Monday Morning Opener is our opening salvo for the week in tech. As a global site, this editorial publishes on Monday at 8am AEST in Sydney, Australia, which is 6pm Eastern Time on Sunday in the US. It is written by a member of ZDNet's global editorial board, which is comprised of our lead editors across Asia, Australia, Europe, and the US.

Read more of ZDNet's Monday Morning Openers
Android desktops arrive as Lenovo eyes your living room
2014 in preview: A look at upcoming tech trends
2013 in review: The big themes
Asia's e-commerce sites can outsell Amazon
The chilling effect: Snowden, the NSA, and IT security
Smartwatches aren't the next big thing. The next big thing is already here
Topics: Windows, Android, Consumerization, Emerging Tech, Operating Systems, Tablets, PCs

About Steve Ranger

Steve Ranger is the UK editor-in-chief of ZDNet and TechRepublic, and has been writing about technology, business and culture for more than a decade. Previously he was the editor of silicon.com.


Jagular vein selfie 04 on FaceBook

Jagular vein selfie 04 on FaceBook


Jugular venous pressure - From Wikipedia

Jugular venous pressure - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A man with congestive heart failure and marked jugular venous distention. External jugular vein marked by an arrow.

The jugular venous pressure (JVP, sometimes referred to as jugular venous pulse) is the indirectly observed pressure over the venous system via visualization of the internal jugular vein. It can be useful in the differentiation of different forms of heart and lung disease. Classically three upward deflections and two downward deflections have been described.

The upward deflections are the "a" (atrial contraction), "c" (ventricular contraction and resulting bulging of tricuspid into the right atrium during isovolumetric systole) and "v" = atrial venous filling.

The downward deflections of the wave are the "x" (the atrium relaxes and the tricuspid valve moves downward) and the "y" descent (filling of ventricle after tricuspid opening).



Youtube and Premiere file formats

Supported YouTube file formats


Adobe Premiere Elements - Video file formats (export)

3GPP (.3gp, .3g2)
Adobe Flash (.flv), Adobe Flash Video (.f4v)
Audio Video Interleave (.avi) - Windows only
H.264 (.mp4) 
H.264-encoded QuickTime (.mov, .mp4)
MPEG-1 (.mpeg)
MPEG-2 (.mpg)
MPEG-2 Transport Stream (.m2t)
QuickTime (.mov)
Video Object (DVD video) (.vob)
Windows Media (.wmv)  - Windows only


Ultrasonography of the Thyroid study notes

Ultrasonography of the Thyroid - Manfred Blum February 28, 2012




Manfred Blum, M.D.Professor of Medicine and Radiology, Director Thyroid Unit, New York University School of Medicine


Ultrasonography (US) is the most common and most useful way to image the thyroid gland and its pathology, as recognized in guidelines for managing thyroid disorders published by the American thyroid Association (1) and other authoritative bodies.

In addition to facilitating the diagnosis of clinically apparent nodules, the widespread use of US has resulted in uncovering a multitude of clinically unapparent thyroid nodules, the overwhelming majority of which are benign. The high sensitivity for nodules but poor specificity for cancer has posed a management and economic problem. This chapter will address the method and utility of clinically-effective thyroid US to assess the likelihood of cancer, to enhance fine needle aspiration biopsy and cytology (FNA), to facilitate other thyroid diagnoses, and to teach thyroidology.

Previously, imaging of the thyroid required scintiscanning to provide a map of those areas of the thyroid that accumulate and process radioactive iodine. The major premise of thyroid scanning was that thyroid cancers concentrate less radioactive iodine than healthy tissue. Although, scintiscanning remains of primary importance in patients who are hyperthyroid or for detection of iodine-avid tissue after thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer, US has largely replaced it for the majority of patients who require a graphic representation of the regional anatomy because of its higher resolution, superior correlation of true thyroid dimensions with the image, smaller expense, greater simplicity, and lack of need for radioisotope administration. The other imaging methods, computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are more costly than US, are not as efficient in detecting small lesions, and are best used selectively when US is inadequate to elucidate a clinical problem (2-3).

As with any test, US should be used to refine a differential diagnosis only when it is needed to answer a specific diagnostic question that has been raised by the clinical history and physical examination (4). The image must then be integrated into patient management and correlated precisely with the other data. A technique has been reported that helps the clinician to interpret thyroid scintigrams of goiters and functioning nodules by assembling scintiscans and US side-by-side as one composite image (2).

Although sonography can supply very important and clinically useful clues about the nature of a thyroid lesion, it does not reliably differentiate benign lesions and cancer. However, it can help significantly. US can:

Depict accurately the anatomy of the neck in thyroid region,

Help the student and clinician to learn thyroid palpation,

Elucidate cryptic findings on physical examination,

Assess the comparative size of nodules, lymph nodes, or goiters in patients who are under observation or therapy,

Detect a non-palpable thyroid lesion in a patient who was exposed to therapeutic irradiation,

Give very important and clinically useful clues about the likelihood of malignancy,

Identify the solid component of a complex nodule,

Facilitate fine needle aspiration biopsy of a nodule,

Evaluate for recurrence of a thyroid mass after surgery,

Monitor thyroid cancer patients for early evidence of reappearance of malignancy in the thyroid bed or lymphadenopathy,

Identify patients who have ultrasonic thyroid patterns that suggest diagnoses such as thyroiditis.

Refine the management of patients on therapy such as antithyroid drugs,

Facilitate delivery of medication or physical high-energy therapy precisely into a lesion and spare the surrounding tissue,

Monitor in-utero the fetal thyroid for size, ultrasonic texture, and vascularity,

Scrutinize the neonatal thyroid for size and location,

Screen the thyroid during epidemiologic investigation in the countryside.


Sonography depicts the internal structure of the thyroid gland and the regional anatomy and pathology without using ionizing radiation or iodine containing contrast medium (5-6). Rather, high frequency sound waves in the megahertz range (ultrasound), are used to produce an image.

The procedure is safe, does not cause damage to tissue and is less costly than any other imaging procedure. The patient remains comfortable during the test, which takes only a few minutes, does not require discontinuation of any medication, or preparation of the patient.

The procedure is usually done with the patient reclining with the neck hyperextended but it can be done in the seated position.

A probe that contains a piezoelectric crystal called a transducer is applied to the neck but since air does not transmit ultrasound, it must be coupled to the skin with a liquid medium such a gel. This instrument rapidly alternates as the generator of the ultrasound and the receiver of the signal that has been reflected by internal tissues. The signal is organized electronically into numerous shades of gray and is processed electronically to produce an image instantaneously (real-time). Although each image is a static picture, rapid sequential frames are processed electronically to depict motion. Two-dimensional images have been standard and 3-dimentional images are an improvement in certain circumstances (7). There is considerable potential for improving ultrasound images of the thyroid by using ultrasound contrast agents. These experimental materials include gas-filled micro-bubbles with a mean diameter less than that of a red blood corpuscle and Levovist, an agent consisting of granules that are composed of 99.9% galactose and 0.1% palmitic acid. They are injected intravenously, enhance the echogenicity of the blood, and increase the signal to noise ratio (8-9).

Dynamic information such as blood flow can be added to the signal by employing a physics principle called the Doppler effect, which is that the frequency of a sound wave increases when it approaches a listener (the ear or, in the case of ultrasonography, a transducer) and decreases as it departs. The Doppler signals, which are superimposed on real time gray scale images, are extremely bright in black and white images and may be color coded to reveal the velocity (frequency shift) and direction of blood flow (phase shift) as well as the degree of vascularity of an organ (10-11). Flow in one direction is made red and in the opposite direction, blue. The shade and intensity of color can correlate with the velocity of flow. Thus, in general terms, venous and arterial flow can be depicted by assuming that flow in these two kinds of blood vessels is parallel, but in opposite directions. Since portions of blood vessels may be tortuous, modifying orientation to the probe, different colors are displayed within the same blood vessel even if the true direction of blood flow has not changed. Thus, an analysis of flow characteristics requires careful observations and cautious interpretations. The absence of flow in a fluid-filled structure can differentiate a cystic structure and a blood vessel.

Blood flow within anatomic structures can also be depicted by non-Doppler technology that is called B-flow ultrasonic imaging (BFI). This is accomplished by transmitting precisely separated adjacent ultrasound beams and computer-analyzing the reflected echo pairs (12).

The ultrasound is treated differently by the various anatomic features and different kinds of tissues (2, 5). The air-filled trachea does not transmit the ultrasound. Calcified tissues such as bone and sometimes cartilage and calcific deposits in other anatomic structures block the passage of ultrasound resulting in a very bright signal and a linear echo-free shadow distally. Most tissues transmit the ultrasound to varying degrees and interfaces between tissues reflect portions of the sound waves. Fluid-filled structures have a uniform echo-free appearance whereas fleshy structures and organs have a ground glass appearance that may be uniform or heterogeneous depending on the characteristics of the structure.

The depth penetration and resolving power of ultrasound depends greatly on frequency (6). Depth penetration is inversely related and spatial resolution is directly related to the frequency of the ultrasound. For thyroid, a frequency of 7.5 to 10 or 14 megahertz is generally optimal for all but the largest goiters. Using these frequencies, nodules as small as two to three millimeters can be identified.

Routine protocols for sonography are not adequate. Although some technologists become extremely proficient after specific training and experience, supervision and participation by a knowledgeable and interested physician-sonographer is usually required to obtain a precise and pertinent answer to a specific problem that has been posed by the clinician. Standard sonographic reports may provide considerable information about the anatomy, but are suboptimal unless the specific clinical concern is explored and answered. Indeed, because some radiologists cannot address the clinical issue adequately, and for convenience, numerous thyroidologists and a few surgeons perform their own ultrasound examinations, in which case it is essential that they have state-of-the-art equipment (that might not be cost-effective) and that they are willing to expend a considerable amount of time for a complete study. Technical ingenuity, electronic enhancements such as Doppler capability, and even artistry are frequently required. Special maneuvers, various degrees of hyperextension of the neck, swallowing to the facilitate elevation of the lower portions of the thyroid gland above the clavicles, swallowing water to identify the esophagus, and a Valsalva maneuver to distend the jugular veins may enhance the value of the images. Nevertheless, sonography is rather difficult to interpret in the upper portion in of the jugular region and in the areas adjacent to the trachea. Sonography is generally not useful below the clavicles.

It is informative for orientation to survey the entire thyroid gland with a low-energy transducer before proceeding to 10-14 megahertz equipment to delineate the fine anatomy. Protocols have been devised to assemble a montage of images to encompass an unusually large lobe or goiter. For an overview, panoramic ultrasound, which is a variation of conventional ultrasound has been reported to produce images with a large anatomic field of view, displaying both lobes of the thyroid gland on a single image (13).

There may be considerable differences between sonologists in estimating the size of large goiters or nodules. One investigation has reported that curved-array transducers may avoid significant inter-observer variation that may occur when linear-array equipment is employed, especially when the gland is very large(14). The inter-observer variation may be almost 50% among experienced ultrasonographers for the determination of the volume of thyroid nodules, because it is difficult to reproduce a two-dimensional image plane for multiple studies (15). Accuracy in volume estimation becomes most important when one uses ultrasound measurements to calculate an isotope dose or to compare changes over time in the size of a nodule or a goiter. Using planimetry from three-dimensional images reportedly has lower intra-observer variability (3.4%) and higher repeatability (96.5%) than the standard ellipsoid model for nodules and lobes, with 14.4% variability and 84.8% repeatability (p < 0.001) (16).

There may be imperfect concordance between the ultrasonic dimensions of large thyroid nodules compared with surgical excision (17).


The anterior neck is depicted rather well with standard gray scale sonography. (FIGURE 1) The thyroid gland is slightly more echo-dense than the adjacent structures because of its iodine content. It has a homogenous ground glass appearance. Each lobe has a smooth globular-shaped contour and is no more than 3 – 4 centimeters in height, 1 – 1.5 cm in width, and 1 centimeter in depth. The isthmus is identified, anterior to the trachea as a uniform structure that is approximately 0.5 cm in height and 2 – 3 mm in depth. The pyramidal lobe is not seen unless it is significantly enlarged. In the female, the upper pole of each thyroid lobe may be seen at the level of the thyroid cartilage, lower in the male. The surrounding muscles are of lower echogenicity than the thyroid and tissue planes between muscles are usually identifiable. The air-filled trachea does not transmit the ultrasound and only the anterior portion of the cartilaginous rings is represented by dense, bright echoes. The carotid artery and other blood vessels are echo-free unless they are calcified. The jugular vein is usually in a collapsed condition and it distends with a Valsalva maneuver. There are frequently 1-2 mm echo-free zones on the surface and within the thyroid gland that represent blood vessels. The vascular nature of all of these echo-less areas can be demonstrated by color Doppler imaging to differentiate them from cystic structures (10-11). Lymph nodes may be observed and nerves are generally not seen. The parathyroid glands are observed only when they are enlarged and are less dense ultrasonically than thyroid tissue because of the absence of iodine. The esophagus may be demonstrated behind the medial part of the left thyroid lobe, especially if a sip of water distends it. (FIGURE 2)

Figure 1. Sonogram of the neck in the transverse plane showing a normal right thyroid lobe and isthmus. L=small thyroid lobe in a patient who is taking suppressive amounts of L-thyroxine, I=isthmus, T=tracheal ring ( dense white arc is calcification, distal to it is artefact), C=carotid artery ( note the enhanced echoes deep to the fluid-filled blood vessel), J=jugular vein, S=Sternocleidomastoid muscle, m=strap muscle.

Figure 2. Sonogram of the left lobe of the thyroid gland in the transverse plane showing a rounded lobe of a goiter. L=enlarged lobe, I= widened isthmus, T=trachea, C=carotid artery ( note the enhanced echoes deep to the fluid-filled blood vessel), J=jugular vein, S=Sternocleidomastoid muscle, m=strap muscles, E=esophagus.


Thyroid US may play a useful role in the management of patients even when the thyroid examination is normal but it is debatable if the procedure is cost-effective as a screening test (1). Many thyroidologists/endocrinologists advocate routine use of US at the time of physical examination to discover subclinical, nonpalpable thyroid abnormalities, which will be discussed presently, and to enhance the sensitivity and accuracy of palpation. This practice is called “point of service” US.

Whether US is performed at the point of service or in an US laboratory by ultrasonographers/radiologists, it is important to employ thyroid sonography selectively to supplement or confirm a physical examination especially when clinical perception is confused by obesity, great muscularity, distortion by abnormal adjacent structures, tortuous regional blood vessels, a prominent thyroid cartilage, metastatic tumor, lymphadenopathy, or prior surgery.

In practice, US may be used to supplement an examination when there is uncertainty about the palpation. However, US is time-consuming and the accumulated data of its utility, which are discussed below, were obtained with state of the art equipment by experts. It is important to comprehend that the optimal clinical value of US depends on the quality of the examination, including the maturity of the examiner and the characteristics of the equipment. Grossly misleading results may occur with quick, incomplete studies and unsophisticated machines or substandard readouts. Therefore, routine sonography in a medical office or clinic or in a laboratory by an incompletely trained general radiologist will require proper professional preparation. Without study, training, and practice, there are likely to be unacceptable results, adverse outcomes, and negative publicity. Furthermore, the cost-effectiveness of US as screening or in sub-optimal conditions has yet to be critically examined.

In the academic situation, sonography is useful to teach palpation of the thyroid gland.

There are claims that US can offer insights into thyroid function. For instance, among 4649 randomly selected adult subjects one investigation found that there was correlation between thyroid hypoechogenicity and higher than average levels of serum TSH, even in subjects without overt thyroid disease (18). One group reported TSH elevation in 26 patients with autoimmune thyroiditis when there was a well-defined area of low echogenicity, about 10   mm in diameter, between the lateral margin of one or both thyroid lobes, the medial wall of the carotid artery, and, posteriorly, the pre-vertebral muscles. Euthyroid patients (71) with thyroiditis and controls (154) did not demonstrate a hypoechoic triangle (18A). In contrast, how accurately does a normal thyroid sonogram predict normal thyroid function? In one study of normal-appearing US, TSH was normal 41/48 (85.4%) but was elevated in 7 subjects (14.6%) (p<0.001) and anti-thyroid antibodies were detected in 5 patients (10.4%)(19). Therefore, a normal sonogram does not preclude hypothyroidism or Hashimoto ’ s thyroiditis.
