
Probe manipulation learning notes

Ultrasound: Basic understanding and learning the language


We stress that for the best use of US, one should venture beyond the “pattern recognition” mode to the more advanced systematic approach and use US as a tool to visualize structures beyond the skin (sonoanatomy mode). ...

To advance beyond the pattern recognition mode, a thorough knowledge of applied anatomy combined with a basic understanding of how a 2-dimensional (2-D) US image represents a 3-dimensional (3-D) anatomical structure is needed; the latter is the goal we wish to accomplish in this paper for the readership. ...


Probe orientation is important because the US probe can be easily rotated around (180°) while the position of the monitor remains unchangedwhich may create confusion in the direction of probe manipulation .... 

Therefore, it is always useful to confirm which side of the probe corresponds to a particular side of the screen in order to identify the correct orientation of the image. All transducers have an orientation marker that corresponds to the marker on the screen.



When dealing with US probe manipulation, the mnemonic PART (Pressure, Alignment (sliding), Rotation and Tilt [, Flattening]) is useful. It is important to understand that by manipulating the US probe, we primarily manipulate the direction of the beam, and, by changing the direction of the beam, slightly different US images of the same structures can be obtained.



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